Friday, May 7, 2010

My thoughts

I may be ignorant for thinking this but I believe that interracial dating is the key to one day ending racism. I believe that if more and more people decide to date outside of their race we will one day only have one race of people. I know it is a long stretch to have this belief, but I feel like hoping for change is a start in achieving that change. I know and understand that this will not happen in my lifetime, but I hope that within the next millennium we will be close to reaching that goal. I see this as being the starting point to save the human race. Again I know this is not possible. I think a more reasonable goal for mankind is to one day accept the relationship choices of others regardless, of race, religion, and sexual preference. Until then I do not see American society being strong and united. An issue with interracial dating seems to me to be a form of discrimination. Basically I view those who are against interracial dating as those who are non-progressive and would rather revert to living in a segregated society.
Am I wrong for thinking this way or are people wrong for being against progression towards uniting and breaking barriers, which our ancestors would have never imagined. Only time will tell if interracial dating will grow and flourish and I will support it as long as I can.

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