Friday, May 7, 2010

Expectations or I dont Care What They Think

What should someone expect when engaging in interracial dating? I guess you should expect some people to stare, others to ask why, and some to blatantly tell you that you should not be dating someone of another race. You should also expect some people to be offended even though your relationship has no effect on their personal well being. You could expect all of this or you could simply think how many people think and just not care what other people think of your relationship. As someone who is and has been involved in interracial dating it is very hard to ignore the opinions of your family and friends who are against or don’t understand why you choose to date outside of your race. Many people that I have met who engage in interracial dating, say that during the first 6 months to a year of the relationship they found themselves constantly defending their relationship to someone who was either related to them or knew them on a personal level. What I am constantly asking myself and searching for during this entire process is why people are so interested in the relationships of others. Has this quality always been a part of human culture? Will it ever end? I doubt that it will, but what will it take for interracial dating to be completely and honestly accepted by society. When will it no longer be taboo for a Black Man and White Woman to date, marry, and bare children without someone thinking he is a sell out and she is stealing another good black man?

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