Friday, May 7, 2010

Issues of Race affect Interracial Dating

Blog Entry #9

As I research more about issues with interracial dating I think back on my first blog post where I stated that racism is slowly becoming a thing of the past. When I think my experiences here at Wheaton and back at home in New York City I can recall different occasions where I found myself thinking a racist or prejudice thought against those who share my culture or are from a different culture than my own. Issues with interracial dating can possible show that the issue of race is still a strong topic in American society. For example our nation’s new president is multiracial, but because his phenotype is that of a Black Male he is called our nations’ first Black President. As humans we are always trying to classify and identify something. I think for many people they are having a hard time identifying interracial relationships as a normal and acceptable human practice.
Also people are afraid of things that are different than what they are used too. So for those who have not been exposed to different races and cultures, interracial dating is an unfamiliar act. I believe that as humans we disregard what can understand and those who are opposed to interracial dating are those who do not wish to understand and accept people’s choice to date outside of their race.

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